Lessons Hub

Saturday, June 17, 2006



Lessons Hub blog serves five purposes.

1. This is a place to share with the world some of the many lessons that God has given to me for the Body of Christ. There are many more lessons that can be found by clicking the last link on this blog under the section named MORE.

2. This is a way to offer these materials to missionaries, pastors, church planters, professors and others around the globe. See sections on RELEASED and LANGUAGES.

2. This is a way to offer my services as a public speaker. See the section of PUBLIC SPEAKING.

4. This is one of several places on the Internet where I present the portfolio of my lessons. And these will be read by the Launch Team of intercessors, advisors and donors who want to know more about me and what I believe. Together we will launch an innovative ministry named Better Bridges.

5. During the coming months and years the ministry of Better Bridges will provide ways for Bible teachers to present their lessons online. So this is a first fruits of that work.



I release these lessons to be copied, translated and/or changed to become better suited to any audience.

Essentially I put this into public domain http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/

By making them public domain God can use them far and wide. That is how I believe that Jesus Christ will be best glorified.

I am experimenting with this approach. I have not seen it done before. But the Internet provides opportunities that were not possible before in terms of easily sharing PDF files, Power Point slide show and MP3 audio messages. I hope to lead by example. Hopefully other teachers will put their lessons online and make them freely available.

I trust that God will make a way for me to receive income from other sources.

Letting go like this means I have no control of what can and cannot be done with these materials in the future. So please pray for God to guide and bless their uses.

I am sure that I will be writing many more such lessons for the rest of my life. What I am not sure of is if the future lessons will be put into the public domain and promoted internationally like this. So pray for God to guide me and prosper me.



Each year I become more aware of those all around the world that desire more Bible lessons in their native language.

My only language is English. However there are plenty of international students, missionaries and pastors that could translate these materials.

I release these materials for them to translate without needing to ask permission. Read the previous section named RELEASED.

Some parts of these lessons might not be understood outside of the USA. So those who translate them are free to make changes as the Holy Spirit leads them.

A person can translate the entire item into another language and/or they could alternate English with the other language. That could also serve to help others read English better.

For years I have been writing my lessons mostly in a style so that there is one sentence per line. These one-line sentences are grouped into paragraph-like segments. Repeatedly it has struck me that this could make translating easier as well comprehension where English is not the first language.

I am aware that there are billions that cannot read. So a person is free to make an audio recording in English, their language(s) and/or alternating languages. These audio versions can be offered in a meeting, over the radio or recorded.

Anyone can get a free blog like this from Blogger http://www.blogger.com and publish the translated work.

Studio Odeo http://studio.odeo.com offers ways to create podcasts for free.

Lulu offers a way for publication on demand http://www.lulu.com/

I got the idea to alternate English with another language from a very successful outreach of Leading the Way http://www.leadingtheway.org and their innovative Dual Language Program http://www.leadingtheway.org/site/PageServer?pagename=bc_radio_dual



The audiences for this blog include friends, associates and those who visit my other blogs and web sites that will be linked here.

Anyone that enjoys this material is invited to point others to this blog. It is possible that God can use this site in amazing ways as many people point other to this blog.

Christians and others are welcomed. But there is an assumption that the reader has been born again. If you are not sure of your salvation then I highly recommend that you visit this blog http://gospelhub.blogspot.com/ It has links to various gospel presentations online as well as answers to tough questions.



My name is John S. Oliver.

My three main passions are education, media and missions. This blog brings those together.

You can learn all you may ever want to know about me here http://fourbridges.org/Founder_JSO.html

I make a distinction between education and teaching. Here you find lessons that I wrote. Offering this to you and others is what I call teaching. While that is a part of my calling the greater part is to pioneer the harnessing of communication technologies that will open the doors for other teachers and preachers to use the Internet more effectively.

Over the years I have invested thousands of hours into researching and planning how this could be done. Here links to just some of those







I am available to use these materials as handouts for addresses to small, medium and large audiences in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex.

I have contacted the Sunday school teachers and pastors at my home church. They know that I am available to serve as a substitute teacher on short notice or advanced notice.

Maybe in the future I will contact those who need to find speakers for lunches, breakfasts or seminars.

This is a brand new direction for me. I feel gently nudged by the Holy Sprit to offer this service. I do not feel led to pursue this vigorously. My best efforts need to be on raising funds for the web platform for the new ministry named Better Bridges. It will be like Four Bridges www.FourBridges.org but wider and deeper. Then after that is in place I might put some focus on this public speaking avenue. However with your prayers, God could open doors sooner than I expect.

Shortly after I was born again in 1977 I did some preaching and I greatly enjoyed it. But then my path turned to writing. For decades I have been researching, writing and developing web ministry. I believe by faith that sooner than later I will enter into public speaking again. But I want this to be in coordination with the unfolding web ministry.

Is Jesus Christ My Good Shepherd?

Is Jesus Christ My Good Shepherd?

by John S. Oliver

If Jesus Christ is my good shepherd then …

· He is always completely committed to guide me in ways that are best for me

· He knows the kinds of challenges and opportunities that will lead to maturity

· He is able to meet me right where I am in my pain, need, loneliness, etc.

· He cares about me personally and is committed to my long term best interests

· He will not leave me, forsake me or abandon me ever – not even one time

If Jesus Christ is my good shepherd then …

· I can continually trust His heart when I cannot see His hand

· I may rest in His ability to provide according to my needs and not my wants

· I know that His perfect character is always above reproach – He is pure & holy

· I can recognize that the great Creator of nature is also my own Shepherd

· I recall that He paid the ultimate price to save me, so He will not neglect me

If Jesus Christ is my good shepherd then …

· I know His still small voice contrasted to the voice of strangers

· I follow Him as a sheep follows a shepherd

· I have simple marching orders, “Follow Me.” one day at a time

· I can completely trust Him because He laid down His life for me

· I have been put into the hand of Jesus by the Father and cannot be removed

If Jesus Christ is my good shepherd then …

· He makes me lie down in green pastures

· He leads me beside still waters

· He restores my soul

· He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake

· His rod and staff comfort me in the valley of the shadow of death

· He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies

· He anoints my head with oil

· He has prepared a place for me to dwell in heaven with Him forever

If Jesus Christ is my good shepherd then …

· all the Bible says about how He relates with His sheep is available for me

· all the principles in the tenth chapter of the gospel of John are about Him and me

· all the verses of the beloved Psalm 23 are part of my spiritual heritage

· all these precepts are offered to me by His grace and can be activated by my faith

· all of this is available to me 24-7 regardless of my feelings or circumstances

Wants are not Needs

Wants are not Needs

by John S. Oliver


Your flesh will always want more and better pleasures.

Your tongue will not tire of enjoyable taste sensations.

Your stomach will seek better and more food -- regardless of the budget limitations.

Your eyes will not stop longing to satisfy some illusive internal desires.

Your feet will sometimes want to wonder from His paths of righteousness.

You will never afford ALL the latest and greatest things in the marketplace.

You can never have enough money or things to insure a problem-free life.

You cannot please all the people all the time.

You will never keep up with all the Joneses and their latest status symbols.

You will never have perfect relationships with imperfect humans.

You will never win all the competitions in the Rat Race.


You are mortal and thus your life will end someday.

You cannot take your possessions with you to Heaven.

Your flesh will always seek to avoid pain, discomfort and inconvenience.

Your price for following Jesus can include pain, discomfort and inconvenience.

You either choose your values, priorities and goals or you just react to life.

You receive millions of signals each year from the fallen world system.


You need to habitually renew your mind by the washing with the water of the Word.

You need to pray often and ask others to pray for you as needed.

You were not designed by God to live isolated from people.

You have what others need and others have what you need.

You need to humble yourself and to reveal your needs to the right persons.

You need to gently and graciously offer what you have to others.

You must never let pride keep you from relating with God and people.

You need to learn how to accept others just as they are.

You need to extend acceptance and unconditional love to all.

You need to love the sinner while hating the sin.

You need to love others as God in Christ has loved you.

You need to trust that God will convict, convert and cleanse those you love.

You need to become available to be used by God anytime and anywhere.

You need to communicate the truth in love with humility and compassion.

You need to regularly give and receive agape love; so that your joy may be full.

You need to pray like the outcome depends on God, while also being fully responsible.

You need to grow up and accept some more responsibility in the Body of Christ.

You need to be conformed to the image of Christ in all things.

You need to walk by faith and not by sight.

You need to fear God more and fear people less.

You need to choose to daily follow Jesus in trusting obedience.

God Loves You

God Loves You

by John S. Oliver

No matter where you are in life, God loves you, just as you are … right now … no exceptions.

No matter of what your past memories and pains accuse you … God loves you today … all day.

He knows about each of your feelings and all of your reasoning amidst His unconditional love for you.

No matter how bleak the future may seem, God loves you, His unconditional love will shine on you.

According to the Bible, it is an absolute fact that God loves you personally and all the time.

This Bible-based truth can be a source of comfort, strength and faith no matter the circumstances.

External challenges and internal struggles can cast shadows on simple liberating truths.

Yet knowing the truth will set you free and reaching out by faith for biblical truth, pleases God.

When you feel tossed around by the storms of life, just let your theology inform your faith.

Bring the lessons of the past into the present so that you will face the future with hope in God.

Every single truth you once knew about God or Jesus before is just as true today and tomorrow.

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever … for He is the eternal unchanging Rock.

It is the very nature of God to love people and He can never violate His divine nature.

Your thoughts, words, deeds, feelings and circumstances can never change the essence of God.

The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust – anyone can see that the rain falls all over the place.

Likewise the love of God extends universally to all humans – the good, the bad and the ugly.

The greatest challenge for those who follow Jesus is to love everyone gracefully like God does.

Consider what you know about the sun at the center of our solar system.

There is never one moment when the sun is not shining, period.

It is not possible for the sun to stop giving light generously in all directions.

It may seem that the sun rises and sets, but that is just due to our limited perspective.

On a cloudy day or when a storm is raging, the sun did not stop shining for one second.

You can draw the parallel with the love of God, He loves you 24x7 due to His nature.

Your condition spiritually, mentally, emotionally and any other way cannot stop His love.

The largest and friendliest navigation buoy in the ocean of life is labeled - God Loves You.

The love of God motivates Him to unselfishly extend the Good News to all who have ears to hear.

The love of God motivates Him to unselfishly extend His grace and mercy to His children daily.

The grandest motivation in the universe is the love of God pouring continually from His great heart.

The Bible says that God the Father loves much better than any parent ever did … just ponder that.

Recall paintings of Jesus as the Good Shepherd; inside those warm and fuzzy images see God loving you.

A small child, new believer and a wounded soul can draw close to God when perceived in that way.

You too can come to the Good Shepherd today as His sheep and experience His gracious love.

The Son of God was on the earth for a brief lifetime before He returned to Heaven.

But before He departed He gave the promise of the Holy Spirit to abide in the believers.

It was a loving deed to send the one He called another Comforter.

Calling Him ‘another’ would imply Jesus is a comforter too.

Consider the very best comfort that has been given by a mother, grandmother or nurse.

No matter how good any human can comfort, God can comfort much better.

The comfort that God gives freely is a further demonstration that God loves you personally.

The comfort that God provides gets closer to the heart than the closest friend, spouse or parent.

Jesus Christ told his disciples that they could call him “Friend”, and that is an amazing statement.

The Son of God, who is the second person of the Trinity, said here is a very close way to relate with Me.

Note that a true friend will listen to all your thoughts and feelings without turning against you.

A real friend will express love by using an abundance of acceptance, appreciation and respect.

An authentic friend will know how and when to communicate the truth in love for your improvement.

A genuine friend is faithful and loyal to the end – never leaving nor forsaking you.

The best of friends sticks by your side during thick and thin – especially when no one else does.

When a man falls in love with a woman and they get engaged, he gives her gifts as a token of his love.

Each gift is a tangible expression of his affection, appreciation and attachment.

The man seeks to demonstrate his feelings in small and large ways.

The invisible emotions become visible things and deeds of service.

A gift by its nature has no strings attached, so that the woman does not owe money or an equal gift.

The dance of love is intended to bond the couple together in mutual love and respect.

There is a hope and expectation that she will love him too.

This delightful season that fills poems, novels and movies has a long-term purpose.

After the lovey-dovey season there will surely come storms of life and long periods of dullness.

The many years of pressure, stress and hardships will test the strength of the love bond.

Therefore wise couples make a habit of having weekly date nights to keep the romance alive.

As marriage is a picture of the believers relationship with Christ so there are lessons to be gained.

The main way to see the lessons is to pray for eyes to see and ears to hear how God expresses His love.

This essay is just a tiny sketch of the vast mural of how God is offering expressions of His love daily.

Consider the various times that people spontaneously acknowledge God as present.

People are often moved to acknowledge God when a baby is born.

This can occur with an unusually lovely sunrise or sunset.

This can occur when a majestic vista is seen from the top of a mountain.

Consider the nature backgrounds used for inspirational cards, posters, slide shows, music videos, etc.

Think about the photos from the Grand Canyon, Hubble satellite of the galaxies and earth from the moon.

Sometimes on Christian TV programs there are Bible verses with instrumental music and nature scenes.

So may I suggest that the beauty of nature is just one of the many gifts from God to you.

Each time God sends someone into your life to speak words of encouragement, then that is His gift to you.

It might be a fact that you did or did not do something that is a violation of His high standards.

It could be true that you are not experiencing close fellowship with God the Father and His Son.

Maybe the Holy Spirit has been convicting your conscience of unrighteous actions or attitude.

Just because your side of the bridge is cluttered and blocked that does not mean His side is too.

The apostle Paul said that nothing separated you from the love of God in Christ. (Romans 8:35-39)

And just in case there was confusion about the term nothing, he gave a long list to eliminate exceptions.

The Holy Spirit points to nature to inspire readers in the book of Psalms and the book of Job.

All that can be seen, heard and felt about nature is handiwork of the Creator according to the Bible.

Remember the best photos, paintings and personal encounters with nature in your lifetime.

All that you have made contact with in your limited experience and much more is His creation.

Also at the same time without any contradiction or confusion that grand Creator is intimately personal.

You cannot see into the spiritual realm where angels dwell, yet God is in the here and now with you.

Jesus is everywhere all the time, so He is closer than your breath and more intimate than your thoughts.

You can never escape from God no matter where you run or how hard you try.

The One who said I am the Way, the Truth and the Life is always present, He is only a thought away.

You do not need to wait until Sunday morning to get dressed and go into a certain church building.

You can communicate with the living God who loves you right where you are and just as you are.

The love of God can reach you in your bedroom, car, office, bathroom, kitchen, garage, backyard, etc.

Consider that God already gave His best when He sent His only Son to save your soul.

Jesus willingly laid down His life when He, the Good Shepherd, died for you His lost sheep.

The faithful shepherd left the 99 to seek and find you.

Jesus did not leave you comfortless but sent the Comforter to abide in you.

The Holy Spirit lives in you today to quicken the Word of God and point you to Jesus.

God cannot love you more and He will not love you less.

God can never change and His commitment to love you, it is eternal.

As His adopted child, He will never disown you.

Your acceptance before God is based only on Jesus’ finished work.

You can never add to or take from the Word of God that is forever settled in Heaven.

For the joy set before Him, your Savior endured the Cross despising the shame.

In the garden of Gethsemane your substitutionary sacrifice willingly chose to drink the cup for you.

Jesus as the Son of Man allowed Himself to be arrested.

Christ endured false accusations and phony trials.

The Son of God could have called 10,000 angels to prevent the scourging and crucifixion.

The Word made flesh walked in obedience to Isaiah 53 and dozens of other prophecies.

The Lamb of God took away the sins of the world just as John the Baptist said He would.

The Holy Communion is a reminder of God’s great love.

The Body of Christ was broken for you one time.

The Blood of Christ was shed for you as the only way to ransom your soul.

You could not know you were lost apart from the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

You could never do enough or forsake enough to become qualified to be redeemed.

God loved you when you were completely unrighteous and spiritually ugly.

God knew every detail about your past and the darkness of the intents of your heart.

God gradually and gracefully drew you to Himself by the Holy Spirit.

God’s acceptance of you today, tomorrow and forever is totally due to the merits of Christ.

You did not and cannot deserve the love of God for it is a gift of marvelous grace.

We can love God because He first loved us.

Our Christian service is to be motivated by our gratitude for God’s love.

A lack of love for God or people can be cured by fervently embracing God’s love.

It is a lie when feelings, circumstances or analysis imply that God does not love you.

When in doubt, just seek and find any point of trust in God or His Word and then

  • remember the testimonies of answered prayer
  • recall personal revelations of His goodness, love, grace, mercy etc.
  • review the points above
  • gradually rebuild your faith and confidence in God’s love for you
  • find creative and constructive ways to love God and people

Remember, what God wants is our respect, worship and love for Him.

We demonstrate our love for God by loving people in the name of Jesus.

Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God

by John S. Oliver

‘Let Go and Let God’ is a slogan that is used in many Alcoholics Anonymous groups and other 12 step recovery programs. There is an ocean of wisdom in the two concepts contained in the five words ‘Let Go and Let God’.

You can read the following two lists slowly. Your challenge is to actually follow the simple exhortations. Take time to really ‘Let Go’ of each of the items that touch your heart. And then with ALL your mind, will and emotions ‘Let God’ do what the items on the list speak mostly clearly to you about your current challenges.

Taking these simple steps can bring you amazing improvements mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These improvements can be enjoyed both suddenly and/or gradually. This will give new meaning to being anxious for nothing and that God is faithful to keep what you commit unto Him. Phil. 4:6 and 2 Tim 1:12

Do not rush. Find the ones that are ripe for you today. Think, pray and maybe journal on the ones the Holy Spirit leads you to act upon. Come back to this list and your notes as needed. Check back with this list and your notes in a few weeks or months. There will be some changes and some or much of the change will be from your letting go and letting God. This can become a healthy habit and an on-going way of coping with life.

God honors faith and patience. He has reasons and seasons that He rarely explains. We can delay and derail His best by our impatience, complaining, unbelief, distrust and whining.














Self pity

















Draw to Himself
Open doors
Prepare hearts
Make a way








Confess Sins

Confess Sins

by John S. Oliver


An important part of prayer is confessing known sins. When sins are admitted to God privately then He forgives and cleanses. This includes unknown sins. The verse in First John 1:9 gives instruction and confidence. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

What follows is a short list of possible sins that people could commit. This is offered as an aid. You have committed some of these sins but not all of them. If you are born again then you are positionally in Christ Jesus. There is therefore no condemnation. Yet there is responsibility to confess these to God in your private prayer closet or in you mind.

Let the Holy Spirit search you and convict you to the sins you need to confess right now. Do not focus on your sins. Instead focus on the One who bore your sins in His Body while on the Cross. There they were paid for in full.

During the two thousand years of church history the subject of sins has been rarely treated in a balanced way. These days a person hardly ever hears the word sin. Yet a few hundred years ago that is all they heard. Let us aim for a healthy balance.

Did you know that sins can be divided into various kinds? For example a person can sin in thought, word and deed. Also besides the sins that were actually committed, called sins of commission, there are also sins of omission, for what was not done. That teaching will wait for later. But do not consider this or any list as a complete list of all possible sins.

SEVEN DEADLY SINS (used centuries ago but still valid today)








COMMON ROOT SINS (that lead to other wrong behaviors)
















(All of these are healthy things when in a healthy state of balance.

But they can be taken to unhealthy excess.

Beware when an idol dominates all uses of resources like

time, money, energy, attention, affection, etc.

There is little or no love left for God, family, friends, those in need, etc.)

Recall that Jesus said the greatest commandment is to

love God with all your heart, soul and strength.

The second greatest commandment is like unto it

to love your neighbor as yourself.

Those guidelines are easy to state

but they are hard to keep in right perspective

when all the glamorous idols are so appealing and popular.

Popular idols today include the following and there are many more.






















Sex appeal




Getting high

TV viewing

Web surfing

Video games






COMMON FEARS (lacking total trust in God)














Compulsive spending

Compulsive debiting

Compulsive gambling

Over eating

Obsessively dieting

Obsessively exercising


by John S. Oliver

I exhort you to work on improving our devotion during the coming weeks, months and years.


God gave humans free will.

He has given us the freedom to make choices.

But each choice has consequences.

All the consequences are not always know before the choice is made.

Often we do not know what is best for others or ourselves.

The God of the Bible is knows what is best.

He will not force us to make the best choice.

What is best may not be the most painless.

What is best may not bring instant results.

What is best may require that we mature spiritually along the way.

God understands the selfish and stubborn nature of humans.

He will not violate our free will.

But if through devotion we had submitted an area to Him then He can use it.

God is committed to conforming His children to the image of His Son.

The process of becoming Christ like can involve unpleasant divine discipline

Thus it would be wise to include genuine devotion as part of the habit of prayer.

As a believer you are a priest unto your God.

Through the righteousness of Christ imputed to you now to have access to God.

You can enter behind the torn veil into the Holy of Holy.

You are welcomed into the very presence of God.

There you can do business with God.

Like the priests of the Old Testament you need to pray for yourself first.

Effectiveness in praying for others and ministering to them relates to your devotion.


Devotion is a term that is like many related terms.

Each term has unique a meaning and application.

Each term represents a powerful concept that is in many books and sermons.

All of these concepts need to be woven into our prayer life.

Consider these terms submit, commit, surrender, turn over, yield, etc.

Also there are terms like consecrate and set apart.


These words can be more than a list to be prayed over one time quickly.

These can be sparks that God uses to lead you much more prayer.

These can be searchlights that uncover areas of darkness.

These can be alarm clocks that alter you to areas for surrender to His Lordship.

These can be a brush to keep the channels clean between you and Christ.

These can be anything else that the Holy Spirit chooses.


You are free to adapt the introduction or parts in any way that works for you.

In the name of Jesus

right here and right now

I choose to completely and entirely


unto the Lord Jesus Christ the following:

ALL I am/was/hope to become

ALL my body/soul/spirit

ALL my past/present/future

ALL my time/money/energy

ALL my needs/wants/desires

ALL my hurts/pains/stresses

ALL my hopes/dreams/expectations

ALL my values/priorities/standards

ALL my visions/game plans/ To Do Lists

ALL my morals/ethics/character

ALL my problems/challenges/difficulties

ALL my commitments/responsibilities/obligations

ALL my assets/liabilities/resources

ALL my cash/credit/debts

ALL my skills/talents/gifts

ALL my education/experiences/contacts

ALL my decisions/choices/preferences

ALL my willingness/unwillingness/indecision

ALL my relationships/friendships/associations

ALL my health/wealth/happiness

ALL my submissiveness/unsubmissiveness/rebellion

ALL my thoughts/word/deeds

ALL my plans/preparations/precautions

ALL my strengths/weaknesses/lacks

ALL my goals/objectives/projects

ALL my food/clothes/shelter

ALL my vehicles/computers/residence

ALL my job/career/ministry

ALL my worries/fears/concerns

ALL my reputation/status/self image


Devotion is a process, it does not happen just one time for a lifetime.

You can add other items as God brings them to mind.

Maybe a few of these items were not easy to totally surrender to the Lord Jesus.

That is okay for right now.

But remember that you need to begin to work on those very soon.

Perhaps you cannot completely submit in your own strength.

Pray and ask God to help you in the process.

Ultimately this gets back to how much you trust God.

How much you trust God depends on what you believe about Him in your gut.

What you believe about God in your gut improves as you walk follow Jesus.

In order to motivate you to follow Jesus 100% read missionary biographies.

In order to motivate you to follow Jesus 100% notice those to trusted God in the Bible.

In order to motivate you to follow Jesus 100% consider those martyred for the faith.

Voice of the Martyrs has testimonies of those being martyred currently and historically.

Here is a link to the web site for Voice of the Martyrs www.persecution.com

Here is the link to Prayeraphrases www.prayeraphrases.org there you will find hundreds of short prayers.

Understand Roles

Understand Roles

by John S. Oliver


ALL of your life is caught up in the dynamic of relationships.

TODAY you have relationships with other people and God.

You also have a relationship with the world, the flesh and the devil.

These occur all week long, both day and night.

It would be wise for you to better understand each role.

Then you can better participate in the exchanges that are happening.


Your role is to come to God just as you are.

Your role is to accept God on His terms.

Your role is to completely surrender your will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Your role is to let go of your expectations, fears, worries, doubts, objections, etc.

Your role is to earnestly seek God for guidance.

Your role is to pay close attention to each time God guides you.

Your role is to let God use your passions and spiritual gifts to shape your vision.

Your role is to trust and obey the Lord Jesus Christ every single day.

Your role is to ask, seek and knock when you pray.

Your role is to thank God for the answered prayers.

Your role is to study what the Bible teaches.

Your role is to believe and apply what the Bible teaches.

Your role is to meditate on the Word of God and hide it in your heart.

Your role is to pray for others in Jesus name while expecting God to answer.

Your role is to communicate the truth in love as you daily love one another.

Your role is to seek, find and use wise advisors.

Your role is to use each day, week, month and year for the glory of God.

Your role is to consistently become a better steward of your time, talents, things and money.

Your role is to get into the habit of giving generously to the local church and other ministries.

Your role is to request grace and mercy from God as a believer priest.

Your role is to deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Jesus.

Your role is to thank God when His provision arrives.

Your role is to testify about the faithfulness and goodness of God.


God’s role is to watch over His Word to perform it.

God’s role is to keep His promises right on time.

God’s role is to lead you in paths of righteousness for His names sake.

God’s role is to open and close doors as needed.

God’s role is to provide for your needs but not necessarily your wants.

God’s role is to author and prefect your faith.

God’s role is to satisfy your hunger and thirst for righteousness.

God’s role is to work all things together for His glory and your good.

God’s role is to extend unconditional love in ways you can and cannot see.

God’s role is to defend you from the sly tricks that the devil tries to play on you.

God’s role is to provide guidance in the Bible.

God’s role is to provide the guidance by the Holy Spirit.

God’s role is to set up divine appointments.

God’s role is to convict you of sin, righteousness and judgment.

God’s role is to prepare a place for you in Heaven.

God’s role is to give eternal rewards according to good works when done with right motives.



The world rejected Jesus when He came in the flesh.

The world will not appreciate your Christ-honoring motives.

The world urges you to grab for immediate gratification.

The world is obsessed with sex, power, money, fame, control, possessions, etc.

The world cannot have eternity as a steady reference point.

The world is continually cold-hearted, critical and callous.

The world mindlessly hurts people day and night.

The world acts like a mean machine without an operator or a purpose.

The world can suck your energy dry in pursuit of some fleeting fun.

The world is unfair, uncaring, impersonal, relentless, heatless, and worse.

The world says that you need to take care of yourself … no one else will.

The world says to worry about the bad things that might happen.

The world says that you just might be okay when you own the newest things.

The world says that society going downhill from bad to worse.

The world says that you have nothing of significance to offer anyone.

The world says that you are a small cog in a little wheel … so what.

The world says that if you violate the unwritten rules you will be destroyed.

The world says that nobody wants to hear what you have to say.

The world offers all kinds of stimulants and depressants to adjust your moods.

The world wants to drain away all your attention, affection, time and money.

The world will promise you inexpensive treasures, but only deliver cheap junk.

The world tolerates lifeless religious rituals and hollow talk about God.

The world hates a vibrant faith in Jesus expressed with loving words and deeds.


Your flesh continually seeks for more pleasure and less pain.

Your flesh can instantly generate an appealing excuse for anything it wants.

Your flesh wants to dominate your choices and commitments.

Your flesh wants you to stay inside of your Comfort Zones.

Your flesh wants you to accept any excuse for not trusting God.

Your flesh wants you to stay away from the Bible and good Bible teachings.

Your flesh never wants you to serve God 100%.

Your flesh wants you to not get too involved in ministry.

Your flesh wants you to avoid people that might challenge your faith.

Your flesh does not want you to notice how sneaky it has been.

Your flesh will seek to seduce any opposition to its own selfish ways.


The devil is the father of lies.

The devil can only lie to you.

The devil will try to make a half-truth seem like a whole truth.

The devil will try to get you to doubt God.

The devil will try to get you discouraged.

The devil will try to get you to quit.

The devil will try to get you to misinterpret the Bible.

The devil will tempt you with the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

The devil will lift a verse out of context and make it seem right to disobey Jesus.

The devil will lead you to love world and your flesh more than God.

The devil does not demand the glory – He just does not want God to get the glory.

My Faith Confession

by John S. Oliver

Circumstances may seem grim.

Feelings could change.

Thoughts will vary.

Faith wavers.

So what!!!

My God is GOOD.

My Redeemer LIVES.

My God remains the SAME.

My Advocate EFFECTIVELY pleads my case at God’s right Hand.

My Bible is forever the TRUSTWORTHY Word Of God.

My position IN Christ is eternally secure.

My blood covenant with God Almighty is NEVER-ENDING.

In due season, Jesus Christ will SURELY deliver me from these unpleasant circumstances.

My Good Shepherd is absolutely committed to NEVER leave me nor forsake me.

My job is to FOLLOW Jesus Christ day and night.

His job is to get me out of trouble along this narrow pilgrim path.

My job is to ABIDE in the True Vine.

His job is to prune the branches so they bear more fruit.

My job is to YIELD to the Potter’s loving Hand while He has me on His wheel.

His job is to mold and shape me.

My job is to consistently WASH my mind by the water of His holy Word.

His job is to clean out the impurities in this vessel.

My job is to TRUST and OBEY the Lord Jesus Christ.

His job is to guide and provide.

Partly my sins got me into this trouble.

Partly the devil set a trap for me.

Partly the unfair world system made matters even worse.

But NONE of this is beyond the God’s grace, mercy and sovereignty.

Either the Bible stories are relevant for me today OR they are just obsolete history.

Either God keeps ALL His promises OR He is a lair.

Either the verses about spiritual warfare are real OR I have a wimpy Bible.

God will be glorified no matter what I say or do.

God can work all my flawed efforts together for His glory and my good.

God is best honored as I walk by faith following His beloved Son.

Now I choose to renew my commitment to trusting Jesus Christ in EVERYTHING.

Amen, so be it!

Lift Up Your Eyes

Lift Up Your Eyes

by John S. Oliver


Every day of the year there are an abundance of people within a few miles of each believer that would greatly appreciate a little volunteer service.

The love of God can be demonstrated in action. Such expressions of the compassion of Christ can open the doors to relationships that will yield eternal fruit. Benevolence is a genuine form of ministry that is open to every believer all year long.

Jesus said lift up your eyes and see that the fields are ripe unto harvest. The needs are much greater than the supply for those who could give a little time and energy each month. Four hours per month is a modest investment that will reap a bountiful harvest on earth and in heaven. When this service is provided in the name of Jesus then God is glorified. Amen?

Pray earnestly. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Find the church or other organization that is involved in the work that motivates you most. They will provide the training and supervision.


Jesus said as you have done unto the least of these you have done unto me

today there are thousands of citizens that would qualify as these least

today there are those in rest homes, hospitals and jails that desire a visitor

today there those who want tutors to help them to read and write

today there are those who want help to learn how speak English

today there are meals-on-wheels programs that need drivers

today there are those whose house burned down last week that are readjusting

today there are military personnel that would appreciate a friendly letter

today there are students at risk of flunking out that need a volunteer tutor

today there are those in crisis pregnancy centers that need volunteer counselors

today there are those in midnight basketball leagues that need volunteer referees

today there are single moms that cannot afford to hire a baby sitter to get some rest

today there are elderly widows that need some yard work done for free

today there are empty phones waiting for volunteer counselors

today there are missionaries on furlough here that have a wide range of needs

today there are food banks that need volunteers to screen the clients

today there are sliding-scale clinics that need helpers of all kinds

today there are blind and handicapped residents that need practical helps

today there are international college students that want to befriend Americans

today there are teens online that are asking spiritual questions

today there are churches in the inner city that need basic assistance

today there are lonely seniors that need a phone call weekly

today there are soup kitchens that need volunteers to clean the pots

today there are families at the hospices that need comfort and encouragement