Saturday, June 17, 2006

My Faith Confession

by John S. Oliver

Circumstances may seem grim.

Feelings could change.

Thoughts will vary.

Faith wavers.

So what!!!

My God is GOOD.

My Redeemer LIVES.

My God remains the SAME.

My Advocate EFFECTIVELY pleads my case at God’s right Hand.

My Bible is forever the TRUSTWORTHY Word Of God.

My position IN Christ is eternally secure.

My blood covenant with God Almighty is NEVER-ENDING.

In due season, Jesus Christ will SURELY deliver me from these unpleasant circumstances.

My Good Shepherd is absolutely committed to NEVER leave me nor forsake me.

My job is to FOLLOW Jesus Christ day and night.

His job is to get me out of trouble along this narrow pilgrim path.

My job is to ABIDE in the True Vine.

His job is to prune the branches so they bear more fruit.

My job is to YIELD to the Potter’s loving Hand while He has me on His wheel.

His job is to mold and shape me.

My job is to consistently WASH my mind by the water of His holy Word.

His job is to clean out the impurities in this vessel.

My job is to TRUST and OBEY the Lord Jesus Christ.

His job is to guide and provide.

Partly my sins got me into this trouble.

Partly the devil set a trap for me.

Partly the unfair world system made matters even worse.

But NONE of this is beyond the God’s grace, mercy and sovereignty.

Either the Bible stories are relevant for me today OR they are just obsolete history.

Either God keeps ALL His promises OR He is a lair.

Either the verses about spiritual warfare are real OR I have a wimpy Bible.

God will be glorified no matter what I say or do.

God can work all my flawed efforts together for His glory and my good.

God is best honored as I walk by faith following His beloved Son.

Now I choose to renew my commitment to trusting Jesus Christ in EVERYTHING.

Amen, so be it!


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