Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lift Up Your Eyes

Lift Up Your Eyes

by John S. Oliver


Every day of the year there are an abundance of people within a few miles of each believer that would greatly appreciate a little volunteer service.

The love of God can be demonstrated in action. Such expressions of the compassion of Christ can open the doors to relationships that will yield eternal fruit. Benevolence is a genuine form of ministry that is open to every believer all year long.

Jesus said lift up your eyes and see that the fields are ripe unto harvest. The needs are much greater than the supply for those who could give a little time and energy each month. Four hours per month is a modest investment that will reap a bountiful harvest on earth and in heaven. When this service is provided in the name of Jesus then God is glorified. Amen?

Pray earnestly. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Find the church or other organization that is involved in the work that motivates you most. They will provide the training and supervision.


Jesus said as you have done unto the least of these you have done unto me

today there are thousands of citizens that would qualify as these least

today there are those in rest homes, hospitals and jails that desire a visitor

today there those who want tutors to help them to read and write

today there are those who want help to learn how speak English

today there are meals-on-wheels programs that need drivers

today there are those whose house burned down last week that are readjusting

today there are military personnel that would appreciate a friendly letter

today there are students at risk of flunking out that need a volunteer tutor

today there are those in crisis pregnancy centers that need volunteer counselors

today there are those in midnight basketball leagues that need volunteer referees

today there are single moms that cannot afford to hire a baby sitter to get some rest

today there are elderly widows that need some yard work done for free

today there are empty phones waiting for volunteer counselors

today there are missionaries on furlough here that have a wide range of needs

today there are food banks that need volunteers to screen the clients

today there are sliding-scale clinics that need helpers of all kinds

today there are blind and handicapped residents that need practical helps

today there are international college students that want to befriend Americans

today there are teens online that are asking spiritual questions

today there are churches in the inner city that need basic assistance

today there are lonely seniors that need a phone call weekly

today there are soup kitchens that need volunteers to clean the pots

today there are families at the hospices that need comfort and encouragement


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